Opinion column: Exposure Paraguay Brazil

Opinion column: Exposure Paraguay Brazil

By Caroline Casseli

Today, Paraguay is considered one of the countries with the most attractive tax, due precisely to its low tax burden in comparison to the other countries of the region, and with a stable currency that has no major fluctuations, as for example in Argentina. In this exhibition, the participants brazilians were able to appreciate the advantages offered by our country-level investments: as we mentioned the low tax burden, apart from a growing economy, away from inflation and a simplified taxation system.

At that time the brazilian exporters, especially taking into account the change of the rudder, in terms of their government, they came with the desire to invest in our country, knowing the pros and cons, because that Paraguay was previously not so well seen as it is now, especially due to the smuggling, which, although it has diminished, it has not ceased, even so, with Brazil being one of the largest consumers of counterfeit products in Paraguay.

As a participant, Bolton Boyer Paraguay was able to establish links with consultants paraguayan which will make “tours of investors,” so to speak, where our Study, demonstrated its ability to provide a service 360: that is to say in all of the areas that an exporter needs; that is to say, Corporate Law, Immigration and Prescriptive.

We were also able to know the positions of both governments in the Treaty of Itaipu, which will need to be revised the next year; in 2023 you meet both of the conditions that enabled the revision of Annex C, which establishes the financial basis and the provision of electricity services by determining, among other topics, the conditions of employment of power and transfer of energy.

It should be remembered that the political scientist paraguayan-american Michael Carter, had published a research on Itaipu, which showed that the country had failed to receive US $75.3 billion between 1985 and 2018 by exporting its surplus energy to Brazil at prices below the market value. Equally, the same research points out that, as a result of decisions questioned in Paraguay, the debt of the binational was inflated in US $35.5 billion.

In addition, the event was an opportunity to do networking between companies, paraguayan and brazilian, and may specify I several meetings with companies from different economic sectors and social as a brewery, a brazilian, an exporter of fruits and soaps, always including the Intellectual Property.

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